Deskripsi Lowongan

• Requesting quotations from local and foreign vendors (imports)
• Creating Purchase Orders (POs) and ensuring proper follow-up until goods are received accurately, completely, and in good condition at the warehouse
• Establishing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the role on a monthly basis
• Preparing procurement reports as required

Persyaratan Lowongan

• Education: Minimum Diploma (D3)
• Age: 25-40 years old
• Skills: Proficient in English, experienced in managing import shipment processes and documentation, capable of handling procurement processes both locally and internationally (imports), computer literate
• Experience: Minimum experience as a procurement, export, and import staff member

Pendidikan minimal: Diploma III
Persyaratan jurusan: Semua jurusan

  Oleh Disnaker Kab. Batang

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