Deskripsi Lowongan

Job Description :
  • Ensure production targets are achieved according to schedule.
  • Operate and control department Assembly and packing
  • Monitor the production process and ensure product quality meets standards.
  • Carry out routine production line process with team.
  • Participate in new product introduction; guide and supervise production department to produce according to established process standards.
  • Make a daily, weekly, and monthly report to the superior.

Persyaratan Lowongan

Requirements :
  • Ensure production targets are achieved according to schedule.
  • Operate and control department Assembly and packing
  • Monitor the production process and ensure product quality meets standards.
  • Carry out routine production line process with team.
  • Participate in new product introduction; guide and supervise production department to produce according to established process standards.
  • Make a daily, weekly, and monthly report to the superior.
Pendidikan minimal: SMA/SMK/Sederajat
Persyaratan jurusan: Semua jurusan

  Oleh Disnaker Kab. Batang

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